The 7 Ways To Get A Better
Night's Sleep
A good night’s sleep sets the tone for the next day. Sleeping not only helps support your brain function, but your mental and physical health as well, which is why getting proper ZZZs is more important than just not feeling tired the next day. If this sounds easier said than done, follow these 7 tips to help you get your best night’s sleep.
1. Blue Light Glasses
As the hours of the day begin to wind down and bedtime approaches, try a pair of blue light glasses. Exposure to blue light from electronic devices can cause your body to produce less melatonin, causing you to feel less tired when it’s time to hit the hay. I wear mine if I’m finishing up work before bed or just scrolling on Instagram – it’s an easy way to help you relax.
2. Make Your Bed
“Why make my bed if I’m just going to unmake it again tonight?” Studies show that using your bed only for sleep can actually help improve your sleep. So, if your bed is made, you’re less likely to get in it until it’s bedtime. And who doesn’t love sinking into a nicely made cloud of blankets at the end of the day? Every morning when I get out of bed, I pull the covers back up as soon as I get out of bed and replace the pillows. It takes about 30 seconds, but makes such a big difference.
Photo by Hayley Piazza
3. Pre-Bed Routine
At the end of the day, start letting your body know it’s time to start winding down. Make a pre-bed routine for yourself, whether that’s a skincare routine, burning a calming candle, or reading a book. Doing the same thing every night before bed will signal to your body that sleep is approaching. Everyone who knows me knows I am obsessive over my “nightly routine”. I change into a comfy t-shirt and head to the bathroom to floss and brush my teeth, followed by a skincare routine: wash, toner, cream and moisturizer. This allows me to wash away my day and relax before falling asleep.
4. Meditate
We all know the feeling of lying in bed and not being able to fall asleep because our mind isn’t ready to shut off yet. Meditation is a great way to calm your thoughts, letting the events of the day pass you by. There is a huge selection of guided meditation apps available, or you can do one on your own! I’m big on meditation apps. Insight Timer and Calm are great for guided meditations if I’ve had an extra stressful day, but I use the Tide app every night to play calming music as I fall asleep. This also works as an alarm that wakes you up slowly during your lightest sleep pattern.
5. Lights Out
Exposure to too much light before bedtime can reduce your quality of sleep. Shut out overhead lights and turn on a lamp leading up to bedtime. You will also get your best quality sleep without any lights once you go to bed. Eye Masks are great for blocking out light that might sneak in from a door or window. I always keep a lamp by my bed for low-light purposes – plus, I don’t have to get out of bed to turn it off when I go to sleep.
6. Noise Out
Similar to light, noise should be kept to a minimum when you go to bed. Falling asleep with the TV on or music with words can keep your mind spinning. If you have loud roommates (including pets), try ear plugs, a white noise machine or a box fan to drown out distracting noises. A box fan is my go-to every night.
7. Sleep Schedule
Lastly, choose your sleep schedule and stick to it. Try to go to bed around the same time each night and wake up around the same time each morning. A consistent sleep schedule will program your body to be ready for sleep and wake up less tired. My Tide app also helps track this. I can view my average falling asleep/wake-up patterns over time which aids in my long-term sleep quality.